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WGT 2024

All Concerts of the WGT 2024, 2024-05-09T00:00:00+01:00



Nach Ort


Ort Uhrzeit ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.00 Echoberyl (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.10 Dancing Plague (USA) Song1 Song2 Dark Electronic o +
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.30 Kontravoid (CDN) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 21.00 Haunt Me (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 Post-Punk o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 22.30 Rendez-Vous (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 17.00 Suono (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 18.20 Basscalate (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 19.40 Extize (D/F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 21.00 X-RX (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 22.30 Reaper (D) exklusive Band-Reunionshow Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 14.00 Gossenpoeten (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 15.50 Artwork/Belladonna (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.30 Cumulo Nimbus (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.20 Saint City Orchestra (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 21.20 Lili Refrain (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 20.00 Blackbook (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 21.00 12 Illusions (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 22.00 Twin Noir (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 23.10 Angels & Agony (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 18.00 Lisieux (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 19.30 Miranda Sex Garden (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 21.00 Andi Sex Gang (GB) solo Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 22.40 Anneke Van Giersbergen (NL) Heavy Strings Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 16.30 CASHFORGOLD (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 17.50 Barnacle Boi (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 19.10 Brothel (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 20.40 Sidewalks and Skeletons (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 22.10 Skeler (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 17.50 The Cemetary Girlz (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 18.40 Principe Valiente (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 20.00 Rose Of Avalanche (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 21.20 Theatre Of Hate (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 22.40 Christian Death (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 19.15 Tourdeforce (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 18.00 Ostara (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 20.30 Backworld (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 23.00 Derniere Volonte (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 16.30 Brigade Enzephalon (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 18.00 Amduscia (MEX) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 19.30 Dive (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 21.00 Terence Fixmer (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 22.30 Psyclon Nine (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 01.00 Ladytron (GB) exklusiver Auftritt in Deutschland 2024 Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 20.55 Heppner (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 22.40 Gvllow (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o


Nach Zeit


Uhrzeit Ort ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
01.00 agra Ladytron (GB) exklusiver Auftritt in Deutschland 2024 Song1 Song2 o o o
14.00 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Gossenpoeten (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
15.50 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Artwork/Belladonna (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Stadtbad CASHFORGOLD (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Westbad Brigade Enzephalon (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Echoberyl (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Haus Leipzig Suono (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.30 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Cumulo Nimbus (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Stadtbad Barnacle Boi (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Täubchenthal The Cemetary Girlz (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.00 Schauspielhaus Lisieux (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.00 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Ostara (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.00 Westbad Amduscia (MEX) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.10 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Dancing Plague (USA) Song1 Song2 Dark Electronic o +
18.20 Haus Leipzig Basscalate (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.40 Täubchenthal Principe Valiente (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Stadtbad Brothel (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.15 Volkspalast Kantine Tourdeforce (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.20 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Saint City Orchestra (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Kontravoid (CDN) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Schauspielhaus Miranda Sex Garden (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Westbad Dive (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.40 Haus Leipzig Extize (D/F) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.00 Moritzbastei Blackbook (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.00 Täubchenthal Rose Of Avalanche (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.30 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Backworld (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Stadtbad Sidewalks and Skeletons (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.55 agra Heppner (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Haunt Me (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 Post-Punk o o
21.00 Haus Leipzig X-RX (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Moritzbastei 12 Illusions (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Schauspielhaus Andi Sex Gang (GB) solo Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Westbad Terence Fixmer (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.20 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Lili Refrain (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.20 Täubchenthal Theatre Of Hate (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.00 Moritzbastei Twin Noir (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.10 Stadtbad Skeler (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Rendez-Vous (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Haus Leipzig Reaper (D) exklusive Band-Reunionshow Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Westbad Psyclon Nine (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Schauspielhaus Anneke Van Giersbergen (NL) Heavy Strings Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Täubchenthal Christian Death (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 agra Gvllow (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
23.00 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Derniere Volonte (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
23.10 Moritzbastei Angels & Agony (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o



Nach Ort


Ort Uhrzeit ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 16.30 Other Day (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.50 Dorsetshire (D) Farewell-Show Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.10 Die Kammer (A/D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.40 Two Witches (FIN) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 22.20 Umbra Et Imago (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 17.00 Martial Canterel (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 18.20 Position Parallele (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 19.40 Automelodi (CDN) Song1 Song2 Synthpop/Post-Punk o O
Haus Leipzig 21.00 Xeno & Oaklander (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 22.40 Martin Dupont (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 14.00 Vera Lux (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 15.30 Die Habenichtse (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.00 Irdorath (BY) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.30 Mr. Irish Bastard (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 20.05 Plantec (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 20.00 Circuit Preacher (USA) exklusive Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 21.00 Agnis (PL) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 22.00 Dead Astronauts (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 23.10 Abu Nein (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 18.00 Clout Blued (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 18.00 Corde Oblique (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 19.30 Almara (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 21.00 Nemuer (CZ) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 22.40 Camerata Mediolanense (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 17.00 Blanche Biau (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 18.20 Skuppin (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 19.40 Flawless Issues (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 21.00 Nils Keppel (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 22.30 Mia Morgan (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 16.30 Batboner (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 17.50 The Bellwether Syndicate (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 19.10 Ausgang (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 20.40 Tragic Black (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 22.20 Sex Gang Children (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 16.30 Årabrot (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 17.50 Playfellow (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 19.30 Chain Of Flowers (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 20.40 Kellermensch (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 17.30 In Strict Confidence (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 20.40 Agonoize (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 22.35 Nitzer Ebb (GB) Song1 Song2 o ++ o


Nach Zeit


Uhrzeit Ort ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
14.00 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Vera Lux (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
15.30 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Die Habenichtse (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Other Day (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Täubchenthal Batboner (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Westbad Årabrot (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Haus Leipzig Martial Canterel (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Irdorath (BY) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Stadtbad Blanche Biau (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.30 agra In Strict Confidence (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Dorsetshire (D) Farewell-Show Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Täubchenthal The Bellwether Syndicate (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Westbad Playfellow (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.00 Schauspielhaus Clout Blued (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.00 Schauspielhaus Corde Oblique (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.20 Haus Leipzig Position Parallele (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.20 Stadtbad Skuppin (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.30 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Mr. Irish Bastard (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Die Kammer (A/D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Täubchenthal Ausgang (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Schauspielhaus Almara (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Westbad Chain Of Flowers (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.40 Haus Leipzig Automelodi (CDN) Song1 Song2 Synthpop/Post-Punk o O
19.40 Stadtbad Flawless Issues (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.00 Moritzbastei Circuit Preacher (USA) exklusive Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
20.05 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Plantec (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Two Witches (FIN) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Täubchenthal Tragic Black (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Westbad Kellermensch (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 agra Agonoize (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Haus Leipzig Xeno & Oaklander (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Moritzbastei Agnis (PL) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Schauspielhaus Nemuer (CZ) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Stadtbad Nils Keppel (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.00 Moritzbastei Dead Astronauts (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
22.20 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Umbra Et Imago (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.20 Täubchenthal Sex Gang Children (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Stadtbad Mia Morgan (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.35 agra Nitzer Ebb (GB) Song1 Song2 o ++ o
22.40 Haus Leipzig Martin Dupont (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Schauspielhaus Camerata Mediolanense (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
23.10 Moritzbastei Abu Nein (S) Song1 Song2 o o o



Nach Ort


Ort Uhrzeit ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 16.30 MorphiuM (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.10 Sirenia (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.40 Keep Of Kalessin (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 22.20 Tiamat (S)Clouds & Wildhoney-Set Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 17.00 Plastikstrom (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 18.20 Strikkland (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 19.40 Zweite Jugend (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 21.00 Klutae (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 22.30 The Cassandra Complex (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 14.00 Deus Vult (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 15.50 Vanaheim (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.30 Dalriada (HU) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.20 Primordial (IRL) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 21.20 Sowulo (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 20.00 Death Loves Veronica (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 21.00 Neila Invo (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 22.00 Massiv In Mensch (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 23.10 Rosa Anschütz (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Peterskirche 19.00 Nico Wieditz (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 19.30 Karin Park (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 21.00 Bon Harris (GB) "Songs from the lemon tree" Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 22.40 Spiritual Front (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 17.00 Years Of Denial (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 18.20 SDH (Semoitics Department of Heteronyms) (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 19.40 Sierra (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 21.10 Public Memory (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Stadtbad 22.40 Sextile (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 16.30 Maschinenkrieger KR 52 (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 17.50 Statiqbloom (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 19.10 This Morn Omina (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 20.40 Orphx (CDN) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 22.20 Esplendor Geometrico (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 16.35 The Foreign Resort (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 18.45 Klez.e (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 21.15 Agent Side Grinder (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 15.30 The Secret French Postcards (S) Livepremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 17.40 A Projection (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 19.50 Nürnberg (BY) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 22.30 Soviet Soviet (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 16.30 Vanguard (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 17.50 Rroyce (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 19.20 Night Club (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 20.50 Frozen Plasma (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 22.30 Ashbury Heights (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 00.30 Editors (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 17.30 The Beauty Of Gemina (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 20.40 Diva Destruction (USA) exklusive Europa-Show nach 20 Jahren Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 21.55 Prayers (MEX/USA) Europa Premiere exklusives Konzert 2024 Song1 Song2 o o o


Nach Zeit


Uhrzeit Ort ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
00.30 agra Editors (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
14.00 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Deus Vult (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
15.30 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle The Secret French Postcards (S) Livepremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
15.50 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Vanaheim (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Felsenkeller / Naumanns MorphiuM (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Täubchenthal Maschinenkrieger KR 52 (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Westbad Vanguard (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.35 Volkspalast Kantine The Foreign Resort (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Haus Leipzig Plastikstrom (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Stadtbad Years Of Denial (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.30 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Dalriada (HU) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.30 agra The Beauty Of Gemina (CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.40 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle A Projection (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Täubchenthal Statiqbloom (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Westbad Rroyce (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.20 Haus Leipzig Strikkland (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.20 Stadtbad SDH (Semoitics Department of Heteronyms) (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.45 Volkspalast Kantine Klez.e (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.00 Peterskirche Nico Wieditz (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Sirenia (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Täubchenthal This Morn Omina (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.20 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Primordial (IRL) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.20 Westbad Night Club (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Schauspielhaus Karin Park (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.40 Haus Leipzig Zweite Jugend (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.40 Stadtbad Sierra (F) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.50 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Nürnberg (BY) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.00 Moritzbastei Death Loves Veronica (USA) Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Keep Of Kalessin (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 Täubchenthal Orphx (CDN) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.40 agra Diva Destruction (USA) exklusive Europa-Show nach 20 Jahren Song1 Song2 o o o
20.50 Westbad Frozen Plasma (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Haus Leipzig Klutae (DK) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Moritzbastei Neila Invo (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Schauspielhaus Bon Harris (GB) "Songs from the lemon tree" Song1 Song2 o o o
21.10 Stadtbad Public Memory (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.15 Volkspalast Kantine Agent Side Grinder (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.20 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Sowulo (NL) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.55 agra Prayers (MEX/USA) Europa Premiere exklusives Konzert 2024 Song1 Song2 o o o
22.00 Moritzbastei Massiv In Mensch (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.20 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Tiamat (S)Clouds & Wildhoney-Set Song1 Song2 o o o
22.20 Täubchenthal Esplendor Geometrico (E) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Haus Leipzig The Cassandra Complex (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Soviet Soviet (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Westbad Ashbury Heights (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Schauspielhaus Spiritual Front (I) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Stadtbad Sextile (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
23.10 Moritzbastei Rosa Anschütz (D) Song1 Song2 o o o



Nach Ort


Ort Uhrzeit ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 16.30 Stoneman (CH) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.50 Maerzfeld (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.10 Schwarzer Engel (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.40 Schattenmann (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Felsenkeller / Naumanns 22.20 Megaherz (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Haus Leipzig 17.00 Lament (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 18.20 Topographies (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 19.40 Social Station (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Haus Leipzig 21.10 The Slow Show (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 14.00 Deloraine (CZ) Song1 Song2 Electronic/Post-Wave o +
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 15.30 The Feelgod McClouds (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.20 Mila Mar (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.15 Tanzwut (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 19.30 Safi (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 20.30 Model Collapse (D) Livepremiere Komplett Unbekannt o o o
Moritzbastei 21.30 Emmon (S) Song1 Song2 Electro/Synth/EBM o o
Moritzbastei 21.30 Enemy Inside (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Moritzbastei 22.40 Knight$ (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Schauspielhaus 19.30 Eihwar (F) Song1 Song2 Viking War Trance o o
Schauspielhaus 21.00 Hope (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 16.30 Zombiesuckers (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 17.50 Zombeast (USA) Reunionshow/Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 19.10 The Hellfreaks (H) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 20.50 Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space (A) Song1 Song2 o o o
Täubchenthal 22.30 Blitzkid (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 18.45 Aska (IS) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kantine 21.15 Kollaps (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 20.00 Use Knife (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 22.30 Autopsia (YU/CZ) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 16.30 Twins In Fear (UA/CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 17.50 Omnimar (RUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 19.20 Walt Disco (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
Westbad 21.00 She Hates Emotions (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 18.30 Gothminister (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
agra 21.20 Vive La Fete (B) Song1 Song2 o o o


Nach Zeit


Uhrzeit Ort ITEM Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
14.00 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Deloraine (CZ) Song1 Song2 Electronic/Post-Wave o +
15.30 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz The Feelgod McClouds (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Stoneman (CH) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
16.30 Täubchenthal Zombiesuckers (S) Song1 Song2 o o o
16.30 Westbad Twins In Fear (UA/CH) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.00 Haus Leipzig Lament (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.20 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Mila Mar (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Maerzfeld (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
17.50 Täubchenthal Zombeast (USA) Reunionshow/Europapremiere Song1 Song2 o o o
17.50 Westbad Omnimar (RUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.20 Haus Leipzig Topographies (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.30 agra Gothminister (N) Song1 Song2 o o o
18.45 Volkspalast Kantine Aska (IS) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.10 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Schwarzer Engel (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
19.10 Täubchenthal The Hellfreaks (H) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.15 Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Tanzwut (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.20 Westbad Walt Disco (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Moritzbastei Safi (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
19.30 Schauspielhaus Eihwar (F) Song1 Song2 Viking War Trance o o
19.40 Haus Leipzig Social Station (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.00 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Use Knife (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
20.30 Moritzbastei Model Collapse (D) Livepremiere Komplett Unbekannt o o o
20.40 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Schattenmann (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
20.50 Täubchenthal Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space (A) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Schauspielhaus Hope (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.00 Westbad She Hates Emotions (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.10 Haus Leipzig The Slow Show (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.15 Volkspalast Kantine Kollaps (AUS) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.20 agra Vive La Fete (B) Song1 Song2 o o o
21.30 Moritzbastei Emmon (S) Song1 Song2 Electro/Synth/EBM o o
21.30 Moritzbastei Enemy Inside (D) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.20 Felsenkeller / Naumanns Megaherz (D) Song1 Song2 NDH o --
22.30 Täubchenthal Blitzkid (USA) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.30 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Autopsia (YU/CZ) Song1 Song2 o o o
22.40 Moritzbastei Knight$ (GB) Song1 Song2 o o o



ITEM Ort Datum Uhrzeit Link1 Link2 Genre Britta Andy
12 Illusions (D) Moritzbastei 17.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
A Projection (S) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 19.05.2024 17.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Abu Nein (S) Moritzbastei 18.05.2024 23.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Agent Side Grinder (S) Volkspalast Kantine 19.05.2024 21.15 Song1 Song2 o o o
Agnis (PL) Moritzbastei 18.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Agonoize (D) agra 18.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Almara (D) Schauspielhaus 18.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Amduscia (MEX) Westbad 17.05.2024 18.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Andi Sex Gang (GB) solo Schauspielhaus 17.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Angels & Agony (NL) Moritzbastei 17.05.2024 23.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Anneke Van Giersbergen (NL) Heavy Strings Schauspielhaus 17.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Årabrot (N) Westbad 18.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Artwork/Belladonna (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.05.2024 15.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Ashbury Heights (S) Westbad 19.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Aska (IS) Volkspalast Kantine 20.05.2024 18.45 Song1 Song2 o o o
Ausgang (GB) Täubchenthal 18.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Automelodi (CDN) Haus Leipzig 18.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 Synthpop/Post-Punk o O
Autopsia (YU/CZ) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 20.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Backworld (USA) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 17.05.2024 20.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Barnacle Boi (USA) Stadtbad 17.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Basscalate (D) Haus Leipzig 17.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Batboner (N) Täubchenthal 18.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Blackbook (CH) Moritzbastei 17.05.2024 20.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Blanche Biau (D) Stadtbad 18.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Blitzkid (USA) Täubchenthal 20.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space (A) Täubchenthal 20.05.2024 20.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Bon Harris (GB) "Songs from the lemon tree" Schauspielhaus 19.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Brigade Enzephalon (D) Westbad 17.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Brothel (USA) Stadtbad 17.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Camerata Mediolanense (I) Schauspielhaus 18.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
CASHFORGOLD (USA) Stadtbad 17.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Chain Of Flowers (GB) Westbad 18.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Christian Death (USA) Täubchenthal 17.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Circuit Preacher (USA) exklusive Europapremiere Moritzbastei 18.05.2024 20.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Clout Blued (D) Schauspielhaus 18.05.2024 18.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Corde Oblique (I) Schauspielhaus 18.05.2024 18.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Cumulo Nimbus (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.05.2024 17.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Dalriada (HU) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.05.2024 17.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Dancing Plague (USA) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.05.2024 18.10 Song1 Song2 Dark Electronic o +
David Leubner (D): t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Dead Astronauts (USA) Europapremiere Moritzbastei 18.05.2024 22.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Death Loves Veronica (USA) Europapremiere Moritzbastei 19.05.2024 20.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Deloraine (CZ) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 20.05.2024 14.00 Song1 Song2 Electronic/Post-Wave o +
Derniere Volonte (F) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 17.05.2024 23.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Deus Vult (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.05.2024 14.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Die Habenichtse (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.05.2024 15.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Die Kammer (A/D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Diva Destruction (USA) exklusive Europa-Show nach 20 Jahren agra 19.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Dive (B) Westbad 17.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Dorsetshire (D) Farewell-Show Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Echoberyl (F) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Editors (GB) agra 19.05.2024 00.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Eihwar (F) Schauspielhaus 20.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 Viking War Trance o o
Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen (D): t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Emmon (S) Moritzbastei 20.05.2024 21.30 Song1 Song2 Electro/Synth/EBM o o
Enemy Inside (D) Moritzbastei 20.05.2024 21.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Ensemble Nobiles (D): t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Esplendor Geometrico (E) Täubchenthal 19.05.2024 22.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Extize (D/F) Haus Leipzig 17.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Flawless Issues (D) Stadtbad 18.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Frozen Plasma (D) Westbad 19.05.2024 20.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Gossenpoeten (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.05.2024 14.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Gothminister (N) agra 20.05.2024 18.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Gvllow (USA) Europapremiere agra 17.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Haunt Me (USA) Europapremiere Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 Post-Punk o o
Heppner (D) agra 17.05.2024 20.55 Song1 Song2 o o o
Hope (D) Schauspielhaus 20.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
In Strict Confidence (D) agra 18.05.2024 17.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Irdorath (BY) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Karin Park (N) Schauspielhaus 19.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Keep Of Kalessin (N) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Kellermensch (DK) Westbad 18.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Klez.e (D) Volkspalast Kantine 19.05.2024 18.45 Song1 Song2 o o o
Klutae (DK) Haus Leipzig 19.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Knight$ (GB) Moritzbastei 20.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Kollaps (AUS) Volkspalast Kantine 20.05.2024 21.15 Song1 Song2 o o o
Kontravoid (CDN) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Ladytron (GB) exklusiver Auftritt in Deutschland 2024 agra 17.05.2024 01.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Lament (D) Haus Leipzig 20.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Lili Refrain (I) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.05.2024 21.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Lisieux (F) Schauspielhaus 17.05.2024 18.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Luigi Rubino & Riccardo Prencipe (I) t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Maerzfeld (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Martial Canterel (USA) Haus Leipzig 18.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Martin Dupont (F) Haus Leipzig 18.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Maschinenkrieger KR 52 (D) Täubchenthal 19.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Massiv In Mensch (D) Moritzbastei 19.05.2024 22.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Megaherz (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.05.2024 22.20 Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Mia Morgan (D) Stadtbad 18.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Mila Mar (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 20.05.2024 17.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Miranda Sex Garden (GB) Schauspielhaus 17.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Model Collapse (D) Livepremiere Moritzbastei 20.05.2024 20.30 Komplett Unbekannt o o o
MorphiuM (E) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Mr. Irish Bastard (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.05.2024 18.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Neila Invo (I) Moritzbastei 19.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Nemuer (CZ) Schauspielhaus 18.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Nico Wieditz (D) Peterskirche 19.05.2024 19.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Night Club (USA) Westbad 19.05.2024 19.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Nils Keppel (D) Stadtbad 18.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Nitzer Ebb (GB) agra 18.05.2024 22.35 Song1 Song2 o ++ o
Nürnberg (BY) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 19.05.2024 19.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Omnimar (RUS) Westbad 20.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Opernensemble der Landesbühnen Sachsen (D) t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Orphx (CDN) Täubchenthal 19.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Ostara (AUS) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 17.05.2024 18.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Other Day (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Petra Hermanova (CZ/D) t.b.a.   t.b.a. Song1 Song2 o o o
Plantec (F) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.05.2024 20.05 Song1 Song2 o o o
Plastikstrom (D) Haus Leipzig 19.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Playfellow (D) Westbad 18.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Position Parallele (F) Haus Leipzig 18.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Prayers (MEX/USA) Europa Premiere exklusives Konzert 2024 agra 19.05.2024 21.55 Song1 Song2 o o o
Primordial (IRL) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.05.2024 19.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Principe Valiente (S) Täubchenthal 17.05.2024 18.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Psyclon Nine (USA) Westbad 17.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Public Memory (USA) Stadtbad 19.05.2024 21.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Reaper (D) exklusive Band-Reunionshow Haus Leipzig 17.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Rendez-Vous (F) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 17.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Rosa Anschütz (D) Moritzbastei 19.05.2024 23.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Rose Of Avalanche (GB) Täubchenthal 17.05.2024 20.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Rroyce (D) Westbad 19.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Safi (D) Moritzbastei 20.05.2024 19.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Saint City Orchestra (CH) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 17.05.2024 19.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Schattenmann (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Schwarzer Engel (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 NDH o --
SDH (Semoitics Department of Heteronyms) (E) Stadtbad 19.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sex Gang Children (GB) Täubchenthal 18.05.2024 22.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sextile (USA) Stadtbad 19.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
She Hates Emotions (D) Westbad 20.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sidewalks and Skeletons (GB) Stadtbad 17.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sierra (F) Stadtbad 19.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sirenia (N) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Skeler (AUS) Stadtbad 17.05.2024 22.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Skuppin (D) Stadtbad 18.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Social Station (USA) Haus Leipzig 20.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Soviet Soviet (I) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 19.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Sowulo (NL) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.05.2024 21.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Spiritual Front (I) Schauspielhaus 19.05.2024 22.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Statiqbloom (USA) Täubchenthal 19.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Stoneman (CH) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 20.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 NDH o --
Strikkland (S) Haus Leipzig 19.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Suono (D) Haus Leipzig 17.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Tanzwut (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 20.05.2024 19.15 Song1 Song2 o o o
Terence Fixmer (F) Westbad 17.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Beauty Of Gemina (CH) agra 19.05.2024 17.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Bellwether Syndicate (USA) Täubchenthal 18.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Cassandra Complex (GB) Haus Leipzig 19.05.2024 22.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Cemetary Girlz (F) Täubchenthal 17.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Feelgod McClouds (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 20.05.2024 15.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Foreign Resort (DK) Volkspalast Kantine 19.05.2024 16.35 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Hellfreaks (H) Täubchenthal 20.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Secret French Postcards (S) Livepremiere Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 19.05.2024 15.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
The Slow Show (GB) Haus Leipzig 20.05.2024 21.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Theatre Of Hate (GB) Täubchenthal 17.05.2024 21.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
This Morn Omina (B) Täubchenthal 19.05.2024 19.10 Song1 Song2 o o o
Tiamat (S)Clouds & Wildhoney-Set Felsenkeller / Naumanns 19.05.2024 22.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Topographies (USA) Haus Leipzig 20.05.2024 18.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Tourdeforce (I) Volkspalast Kantine 17.05.2024 19.15 Song1 Song2 o o o
Tragic Black (USA) Täubchenthal 18.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Twin Noir (D) Moritzbastei 17.05.2024 22.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Twins In Fear (UA/CH) Westbad 20.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Two Witches (FIN) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.05.2024 20.40 Song1 Song2 o o o
Umbra Et Imago (D) Felsenkeller / Naumanns 18.05.2024 22.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Use Knife (B) Volkspalast Kuppelhalle 20.05.2024 20.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Vanaheim (NL) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 19.05.2024 15.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Vanguard (S) Westbad 19.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Vera Lux (D) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz 18.05.2024 14.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Vive La Fete (B) agra 20.05.2024 21.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
Walt Disco (GB) Westbad 20.05.2024 19.20 Song1 Song2 o o o
X-RX (D) Haus Leipzig 17.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Xeno & Oaklander (USA) Haus Leipzig 18.05.2024 21.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Years Of Denial (F) Stadtbad 19.05.2024 17.00 Song1 Song2 o o o
Zombeast (USA) Reunionshow/Europapremiere Täubchenthal 20.05.2024 17.50 Song1 Song2 o o o
Zombiesuckers (S) Täubchenthal 20.05.2024 16.30 Song1 Song2 o o o
Zweite Jugend (D) Haus Leipzig 19.05.2024 19.40 Song1 Song2 o o o

12 Illusions (D)

12 ILLUSIONS is a newly-launched German dark electro pop band.

Leading members are Georg Lenhardt, drummer & percussionist of DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER, and Arno Zillmer, lead singer of his eponymous group. These musicians create an emotive musical cocktail characterized by progressive rhythms, catchy synthesizer lines and atmospheric guitars which paired with a dark but shimmery voice. The band draws inspiration from the likes of Depeche Mode, And One, Wolfsheim, VNV Nation… just to name a few.

12 ILLUSIONS is injecting original creativity into the pop-wave genre. For millions, this era is the time of their lives! A bleeding heart, grown up, and mature.

A Projection (S)

Abu Nein (S)

Agent Side Grinder (S)

Agnis (PL)

Agonoize (D)

Almara (D)

Amduscia (MEX)

Andi Sex Gang (GB) solo

Angels & Agony (NL)

Anneke Van Giersbergen (NL) Heavy Strings

Årabrot (N)

Artwork/Belladonna (D)

Ashbury Heights (S)

Aska (IS)

Ausgang (GB)

Automelodi (CDN)

Formed in 2006, Automelodi is a constantly evolving project based around the solo work of songwriter/producer Xavier Paradis. With a career that spans over two decades, Paradis is a well-established figure in Montreal’s dense electronic music culture, releasing over time with various projects, performance line-ups, or under different monikers such as Arnaud Lazlaud. He also collaborates with artists like Liz Wendelbo (of Xeno & Oaklander) as the duo Liz and László, as well as Latvian Producer Dmitry Distant.

Automelodi’s music embraces and re-contextualizes a spectrum of influences that include the lesser-known European synthpop and post-punk of the latter Twentieth Century, combined with literary stylizations reminiscent of Gallic songwriters such as Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Fontaine—with nearly all vocals delivered in French. Following the self-released first EP, an eponymous album was released in 2010 by the now defunct Brooklyn label Wierd Records. The second LP, Surlendemains acides, was released in digital format in 2013. A third LP, Mirages au futur verre-brisé was released in 2019 on Austin's Holodeck Records. The release was followed that same year by an extensive tour of Europe and a partial tour of the USA in early 2020.

In parallel to his work as Automelodi, Paradis has also been very active over the past two decades as a music producer.

Autopsia (YU/CZ)

Backworld (USA)

Barnacle Boi (USA)

Basscalate (D)

Batboner (N)

Blackbook (CH)

Blanche Biau (D)

Blitzkid (USA)

Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space (A)

Bon Harris (GB) "Songs from the lemon tree"

Brigade Enzephalon (D)

Brothel (USA)

Camerata Mediolanense (I)


Chain Of Flowers (GB)

Christian Death (USA)

Circuit Preacher (USA) exklusive Europapremiere

Clout Blued (D)

Corde Oblique (I)

Cumulo Nimbus (D)

Dalriada (HU)

Dancing Plague (USA)

David Leubner (D):

Dead Astronauts (USA) Europapremiere

Death Loves Veronica (USA) Europapremiere

Deloraine (CZ)

Deloraine is an eight-member band from the Czech Republic, which was founded in 2016. In their songs, the band deals with themes from fantasy literature as well as from ancient pagan times. Deloraine has released two albums, Vlaštovka and Srdce z kamene (both of which were named album of the week on the biggest Czech music portal, and several singles including two music videos made for the popular game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Derniere Volonte (F)

Deus Vult (D)

Die Habenichtse (D)

Die Kammer (A/D)

Diva Destruction (USA) exklusive Europa-Show nach 20 Jahren

Dive (B)

Dorsetshire (D) Farewell-Show

Echoberyl (F)

Echoberyl is a darkwave duo formed in Paris at the end of 2018 by Cecilia Dassonneville and Adriano Iacoangeli. They debuted in 2019 with the album “Apparition” (Swiss Dark Nights), followed by “The Awakening of a Mutant Girl” in 2020 (Cold Transmission Records). In 2021 they created their own label and released the third album “Mother Solitude and Other Dark Tales”. Cecilia and Adriano are passionate storytellers using dark, pulsating music as their primary medium. Over the past two years Echoberyl has carved out a very personal space in the dark scene thanks to tracks with a distinctive personality, powerful sounds and melancholy melodies. Songs full of fascinating, scary, sensual, multifaceted female characters to reflect on the present and on our destiny.

Editors (GB)

Eihwar (F)

Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen (D):

Emmon (S)

Enemy Inside (D)

Ensemble Nobiles (D):

Esplendor Geometrico (E)

Extize (D/F)

Flawless Issues (D)

Frozen Plasma (D)

Gossenpoeten (D)

Gothminister (N)

Gvllow (USA) Europapremiere

Haunt Me (USA) Europapremiere

Heppner (D)

Hope (D)

In Strict Confidence (D)

Irdorath (BY)

Karin Park (N)

Keep Of Kalessin (N)

Kellermensch (DK)

Klez.e (D)

Klutae (DK)

Knight$ (GB)

Kollaps (AUS)

Kontravoid (CDN)

Ladytron (GB) exklusiver Auftritt in Deutschland 2024

Originating in Liverpool, England, Ladytron have earned decades of acclaim since their foundation by relentlessly pushing boundaries, carving out new sonic and conceptual space, and refusing to abide by formula or trend. This journey has taken them to their much anticipated eighth studio album, now in production.

At the beginning they revelled in cute situationist mischief; opaque messages, matching uniforms, and live shows in unconventional spaces, such as a disused bank in East Berlin, or a bowling alley in a Paris Metro station. In addition, the group, already international in their makeup, placed more emphasis on countries and cities other than their own. Thus, the group’s worldwide recognition quickly grew — playing to audiences in places where few artists went at that time, such as China and Colombia.

Along the way they twice took their primitive electronics to more familiar territory, two visits to California’s Coachella Festival, on relentless tours across Europe, Asia, North and South America, and were invited to perform with artists such as Bjork, Nine Inch Nails, and for Brian Eno’scurated festival at the Sydney Opera House. Eno remarked in an interview, “Ladytron are, for me, the best of British pop music. They’re the kind of band that really only appears in Britain, with this funny mixture of eccentric art-school dicking around and dressing up, with a full awareness of what’s happening everywhere musically, which is kind of knitted together and woven into something quite new.”

Now made up of trio Helen Marnie, Daniel Hunt and Mira Aroyo, Ladytron’s origins were in lo-fi electronic pop, the original dreampop/shoegaze movement, catalysed by Liverpool’s DIY post-punk tradition, and under subliminal influence of the pervasive dance music culture in the city at that time. Made with then cheap and unfashionable electronic instruments which now fetch tens of thousands of dollars, their raw and minimal debut, 604 in 2001, was made in that improvised context. Its successor, 2002’s more refined and diverse Light&Magic, which was recorded in Manchester and Los Angeles, had Ladytron grouped with the new electro movement, and so-called Electroclash wave, while 2005’s Witching Hour saw them break out and win over a whole new audience. Pitchfork wrote: “Every quantum leap record has a quantum leap single, and in this case, it’s “Destroy Everything You Touch.” With a charging chorus and shivery production that sounds as equally indebted to shoegaze as it does synthpop, this is probably the most confident and menacing thing they’ve ever done.” 2008’s harder, darker, Parisian-made Velocifero, saw them grow further with the iconic singles “Ghosts,” “Runaway” & “Tomorrow.”. Key to Ladytron’s individuality and creative progress was never responding to any contemporary movement, scene, or sound.

Over these early albums, with their label and organisational base in Los Angeles, and their music a staple on the taste-making KCRW radio station, their very name became a reference point, and their sound caught the eyes and ears of some of the biggest writer and producers in the business. Ladytron’s influence, not just on a new wave of underground electronic pop acts that would emerge over the coming decade, but on the mainstream, was further evidenced when the group were invited by superstar fan Christina Aguilera to write and produce for her.

After a retrospective collection, a fifth studio album (2011’s Gravity the Seducer), and another world tour that culminated in a euphoric sell out at the Los Angeles Wiltern Theatre, the band went silent. Over time this mystery perplexed the group’s still growing audience. With no shows, and barely any social media activity, rumours spread about what had happened to Ladytron. In the following years, as the synth-heavy sound became a blueprint for modern pop music production, and the analogue machines with which it was originally built were revived and turned into a billion dollar industry, there was still no word from Ladytron, as the scattered group members embarked on movie scores, collaborations and solo projects.

In early 2018 radio silence was finally broken with a startling new song from nowhere, “The Animals”, and announcement of their new album, their eponymous sixth. It was released to critical acclaim, with Q Magazine calling it “Their finest record since 2002’s Light&Magic.” and that “Ladytron achieve near perfection here.,” Mojo insisting that in “Dark times, Ladytron soundtrack them beautifully…” GQ described it as “Formidable machine music, full of urgency and menace.” while NPR posited that “Ladytron seems enraptured at the idea of change, and of new beginnings in the face of a possible fiery end…“ Blackbook called it simply “Ladytron at their absolutely most sublime.”

The group went in to record the follow up in March 2020, with sessions abandoned after three days due to the arrival of the pandemic. After a challenging process across continents, Ladytron’s seventh album Time’s Arrow was eventually released in 2023. Although written before the world stopped, it was instilled with what were described as “themes of beauty, disposability and fragility of the culture that surrounds us, and the exhilaration of freeing yourself from those structures”, thoughts which had become poignant to many in the intervening years. Opener and lead single“City of Angels” encapsulated that.

Fittingly, the dislocated Time’s Arrow arrived just as another moment from Ladytron’s past returned, as the tides of the digital ocean moved in mysterious ways. Unknown to the group,“Seventeen”, the main single from 2002’s Light&Magic had gone viral on TikTok, a new disaffected generation had been introduced to Ladytron’s music, with hundreds of thousands of clips created, many of them with millions of views each. A twenty-year-old song by a group whose very existence predated social media itself, suddenly appeared as a top ten hit around the world. As that strange rebirth shows, great work creates its own space. It never dies.

Lament (D)

Lili Refrain (I)

Lisieux (F)

Luigi Rubino & Riccardo Prencipe (I)

Maerzfeld (D)

Martial Canterel (USA)

Martin Dupont (F)

Maschinenkrieger KR 52 (D)

Massiv In Mensch (D)

Megaherz (D)

Mia Morgan (D)

Mila Mar (D)

Miranda Sex Garden (GB)

Model Collapse (D) Livepremiere

MorphiuM (E)

Mr. Irish Bastard (D)

Neila Invo (I)

Nemuer (CZ)

Nico Wieditz (D)

Night Club (USA)

Nils Keppel (D)

Nitzer Ebb (GB)

Nürnberg (BY)

Omnimar (RUS)

Opernensemble der Landesbühnen Sachsen (D)

Orphx (CDN)

Ostara (AUS)

Other Day (D)

Petra Hermanova (CZ/D)

Plantec (F)

Plastikstrom (D)

Playfellow (D)

Position Parallele (F)

Prayers (MEX/USA) Europa Premiere exklusives Konzert 2024

Primordial (IRL)

Principe Valiente (S)

Psyclon Nine (USA)

Public Memory (USA)

Reaper (D) exklusive Band-Reunionshow

Rendez-Vous (F)

Rosa Anschütz (D)

Rose Of Avalanche (GB)

Rroyce (D)

Safi (D)

Saint City Orchestra (CH)

Schattenmann (D)

Schwarzer Engel (D)

SDH (Semoitics Department of Heteronyms) (E)

Sex Gang Children (GB)

Sextile (USA)

She Hates Emotions (D)

Sidewalks and Skeletons (GB)

Sierra (F)

Sirenia (N)

Skeler (AUS)

Skuppin (D)

Social Station (USA)

Soviet Soviet (I)

Sowulo (NL)

Spiritual Front (I)

Statiqbloom (USA)

Stoneman (CH)

Strikkland (S)

Suono (D)

Tanzwut (D)

Terence Fixmer (F)

The Beauty Of Gemina (CH)

The Bellwether Syndicate (USA)

The Cassandra Complex (GB)

The Cemetary Girlz (F)

The Feelgod McClouds (D)

The Foreign Resort (DK)

The Hellfreaks (H)

The Secret French Postcards (S) Livepremiere

The Slow Show (GB)

Theatre Of Hate (GB)

This Morn Omina (B)

Tiamat (S)Clouds & Wildhoney-Set

Topographies (USA)

Tourdeforce (I)

Tragic Black (USA)

Twin Noir (D)

Twins In Fear (UA/CH)

Two Witches (FIN)

Umbra Et Imago (D)

Use Knife (B)

Vanaheim (NL)

Vanguard (S)

Vera Lux (D)

Vive La Fete (B)

Walt Disco (GB)

X-RX (D)

Xeno & Oaklander (USA)

Years Of Denial (F)

Zombeast (USA) Reunionshow/Europapremiere

Zombiesuckers (S)

Zweite Jugend (D)