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My virtual bookshelf

A picture is worth a thousand database-entries

A few years ago I decided, wherever possible, to not buy any more books. It's not that I don't want to read any more, oh the contrary, it's the huge, space-consuming amount of paper on the shelves that you have to pack and unpack every time you move. So eBooks are OK and since this decision my favourite way to read books.


Finance under Control with Ledger (2) - The Emacs ledger mode

Doing your finances on the commandline. Or more comfortably in Emacs with ledger mode.

In the last part I wrote about how bookings in Ledger work and how they are written. Because they are just simple text files, you don't need more than a plain text editor. Choosing Emacs, the work becomes a little bit easier.


Why I love plaintext

Plaintext often sounds as being too simple for most applications. I would like to explain, why that mostly isn't true.

I sat very excited in front of my home banking program. It was the only one that was able to communicate directly with my bank under Linux. Unfortunately, the possibilities for running analyses were very limited, but that' wouoldn't be a problem. Linux provides a lot of software to make beautiful graphics out of dreary numbers. However, the banking software only stored its data in an antique and apparently encrypted database system.


Using Nextcloud Notes with Org mode

The poor mans two-way sync for nextloud notes

One of the apps that ship with Nextcloud is Notes. It is not much more than its name says. You can open a note, type some text, and do some basic formatting stuff in markdown syntax. If you want, you can give each note a tag, which results in a folder, where that note is placed in. Those notes are synced as normal *.txt files to your file system in a folder named Notes, including the tagging subfolders. It's dead simple, but useful, as I described in my blog entry about writing a shopping list with org mode.


Finance under Control with Ledger (1) - Basics

Doing your finances on the commandline. Or more comfortably in Emacs with ledger mode.

Who of us does not know that. At the end of the money there is plenty of the month left, and is usually used by the Gasworks and the goldfish breeders' club to collect their annual fee (including the price increase) from your account.

I also had a time when I had to do a lot of financial juggling to live from month to month, even though I had as much money as today. I just did not have under control as well as I now have. The heart of the problem was actually that I almost never knew how much of the money in my account was really free to spend, and what bills would come up in the near future.
